Sunday, 4 August 2013

Makeup Secrets That You Should Not Be Without

Every girl would want to look pretty, or at least presentable. In an effort to ensure this, most women take time to do their makeup before they leave their homes. Now, applying makeup is easy if you know how to do it right, but what if you are clueless on what works and what does not for you?

If you would ask a makeup artist in Melbourne, you would realize that the first thing you have to worry about is the time of the day. Keep in mind that makeup during the day is typically different from what you would put on at night. In the morning, you have to make sure that you put on a light makeup; while, at night, you need to put on a heavier set.

Where you are going to is also important in determining what your makeup should be like. A professional makeup artist in Melbourne would tell you that the makeup you have when you are going to the office is different from the one that you should put on when you are going to a party or a social event. There are, however, some basic things that you have to keep in mind regardless of the time of the day or where you are going. For example, before you can put on your makeup, you have to make sure that you prepare your skin by using a face primer or a toner. This would help ensure the makeup will stick to your face. You might also need to put on foundation in order to hide any fine lines of blemishes that your skin might have.

The shape of your face as well as the tone of your skin is also two other factors that you have to consider when applying makeup. These two factors would help determine what shade you need to use on your skin and where you should apply each. Keep in mind that makeup is put on in order to highlight your best facial features. It should not cause your face to look like a mishmash of colors.

A professional Melbourne makeup artist would also recommend the application of loose powder on areas that tend to get oily easily. In most cases, this is the T-zone. Once you have done so, you can start applying the eye shadow as well as the blush on. Make sure that, with the latter, you work your way around the apples of the cheeks. You can then apply the mascara as well as the lipstick.

At the end if the day, as what a professional Melbourne makeup artist would tell you, you have to make sure that you remove your makeup. Do not forget to moisturize your face and apply toner to ensure that all the chemicals that you apply to it do not stress out your skin. As clichéd as it may sound, you also have to make sure that you eat right and get enough rest. Drinking lots of water can also help ensure that your skin is hydrated.

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